Monday, April 09, 2007

One of the best Google mashup concepts yet. Imagine a local phone book that points you to a business then shows you a video of that business. It's like a high end Craig's List. Turn Here's San Francisco Bay Area Map is a good place to start to see what I'm talking about. The Emeryville-based company is located only about a mile or two east of the San Francisco-Oakland Bay Bridge, so there's a lot of content in that locale as you might imagine.

What really sets them apart is their video production team and pricing. Over the years they've developed a list of digitally-based producers/directors/editors that can produce broadcast quality videos for businesses or organizations looking to get onto the Turn Here site, or onto Youtube, Google Video, Yahoo Video, MSN, etc., etc. No matter where you are, they can identify someone that can help you produce a relatively low cost video.

The one big down side is that they could really use a calendering function that allows for flyers or videos for shows and events. If the a venue needs a video for an upcoming event in the current site's structure, the video will become obsolete once the event ends, and who's to say when the video for the next events (or bigger ones) should show up.

That having been said, the concept is solid. I hope they stay around for a little while. At least until they have a lot more videos in my neighborhood.


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