Tuesday, September 21, 2004

"The Race Card"

It seems no matter where I go, what I write about, or what I'm interviewed about I get someone that sees what I look like and claims that I am using the "race card" for something. I'm not sure what it is, but it seems to put a lot of fear into some people.

Just so I'm clear, race should not be a big issue. Fairness and justice should be. No matter what your skin color is, being treated equally should be of primary concern to all of us. It just so happens, that the inequitable treatment in the US has historically been drawn along racial lines. In other countries people are persecuted primarily because of their religion, their sex, or their nationality. Here, it's skin color.

If bringing up an issue that's been a problem with the US since its inception seems frustrating or scary enough to get mad about when someone brings it up, then welcome to my world. It seems to me that those people that make accusations of bringing up "the race card" are themselves very adept at handling it. Is that a good or bad thing? You decide.


Blogger moluv said...

Hey superwriter(X). Thx for the feedback. It seems that we're in agreement. I'm sure that eventually someone will come across this post and have a strongly differing opinion though. It'll be fun to watch for.

10:13 AM  
Blogger Constant said...


9:34 PM  

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